Tori Lamp

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Tori started her diving career different than most, she started with gymnastics. Tori began her gymnastics carreer at age four at the Academy of Gymnastics following in the footsteps of her older sister, who was also a gymnast. Tori displayed talent at a young age and quickly progressed through the compulsory levels. By the time she was 11 years old she was starting to train and compete as a level 9. Around the same time that Tori was beginning to compete around the country for gymnastics, she had started diving. Diving, which started out as something to do for fun, became a love of Tori's. During the summer of 2002, Tori began to dive with her coach, Shannon Roy. It was obvious that Tori had not only raw talent, but the work ethic also. For the next few years Tori continued with both gymnastics and diving. In 2005, at age 14 Tori suffered two major injuries, a torn ACL to her knee and torn labrum to her shoulder . This had put her out of competition in both diving and gymnastics for 10 months. When she made a full recovery in 2006 she realized that she could not continue down both of these demanding paths. At 15 years old, Tori decided to make the difficult decision, and go with her new love, diving. Since then she has been training and competing at the National level and won her first Junior Nationals title August 10th in Texas. Because of this Tori earned a spot on the Junior World team and will compete in Germany. Without the love and support she has had from her parents and sister, none of this would have ever been possible.

2007 Junior Nationals


Movie: Miracle, Save the Last Dance, Stick It
TV: Dancing with the Stars, Biggest Loser
Food: Lasagna
Athlete: Laura Wilkinson
Sports: Diving and Gymnastics